Saturday, April 19, 2008

Computer Lesson #1

OK folks this is the keyboard lesson. Don,t drink and type. Especially if you are a spazz like I am and spill drink on said keyboard. The only way I,m able to write this here message is to copy and paste a sentence with already existing spaces in it and as you may have noticed, my apostrophe doesn,t work either. Tomorrow I really need to buy a new flippin keyboard!


maz said...

That's nearly as lever as me eating toast at my keyboard and then wathing the rumbs move around under the letters - it affets a different letter eah day today it is the letter between b and d in the alphabet...

CACTUSmango said...

LOL! did you kiss your new keyboard today? lest a drip of coffee of a crumb perchance makes it a new hiding spot.