Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Here's Meez.


Ok, so I fell prey to creating a Meez for myself. You should check it out, it's pretty fun. I will leave her, er me, up in the corner for a while, and maybe change her up a bit. Some who haven't seen me in a while will say, "but that doesn't really look like you!" Ah, but it does. I gave myself bangs the other night for the first time in like 10 years and my hair no longer appears as blond as it once was, more of a brunette now.

Can someone tell me how you can go from being EXTREMELY excited and motivated about an idea to AH WHO CARES in the matter of a few hours? It sucks, and I think it stems from WAY TOO MANY to count nights of staying up WAY TOO LATE that my lack of sleep causes my motivation to just go out the window at around 5:30pm during the week. I feel like I work a hell of a lot, but lately my paycheck reflects otherwise. Maybe for me, I need to work when the feeling strikes me and then get back to the doldrums of the other work. Anybody else have a time that the creative bug strikes them? I'd love to hear how your brain works.

*I removed said MEEZ because 3.5 year old said didn't look like me. What can you do?


Jenn said...

Bangs? No way! Can't wait to see the new look in person.

I can totally relate - I'm up way too late all too often. I either get my groove going again with coffee or just throw in the towel and head to bed early in hopes that I'll have a little more gusto the next day.