Thursday, March 27, 2008

Catching A Break?

So, the job stuff still sucks. Still working my ass off and still only recognized for my failures. Why don't employers see that not only do they need to tell us when we screw up, but also when we've accomplished something that surprised them in a good way, or we've surpassed there expectations, or if we simply continue to be there every single day, day in and day out without a raise in over a year???? EMPLOYERS OF THE WORLD: WAKE UP!!! Without us little peons where would you be? We, the work horses of America keep this little train called MONEY chugging along and you pay us our measly stipend and we just TAKE IT... We take your abuses, your lack of understanding and your mental anguish you impose upon us. Why? Because we sadly need you as much as you need us. UGH.

On a brighter note, I have a second interview for a job in Ann Arbor, too bad it's not a full time job, but it could eventually turn into one. I don't know if I want the job, but at least I could leave where I am, maybe.

I have this vision of telling off my boss. Not by calling him a jerk or what have you, but laying it all out there. I am only one person, I can't be expected to be perfect all the time, but it's not as if I miss things on purpose. I am not the only checkpoint in this assembly line, why can't person A be held to the same standards as myself, person B and you person C there is a reason it comes into your hands as well so you can then make sure things looks good. Besides, if your "team" is so well crafted, why don't you train them to do what it is that I do? Or maybe you can check your templates to make sure they are accurate for the things you are telling me I am doing wrong so that you'd see that you are really the person that finger needs to be waived at. Guess what??? It is you that are killing me!